About Me

i am a student of life.

Saturday, May 22, 2010


As with anything else in life, in order to be in great shape, you must train and work hard with consistency.

If you're familiar with the game Counter-Strike and have played online, you should recognize the name "Team 3D" They were a group of guys that dominated the CS world for awhile and gained worldwide recognition along with monetary winnings that would make any parent of a gaming super-nerd proud.
The name of their team 3D stands for "Desire, Discipline & Dedication"
Those words are definitely a formula for success for anything you're doing in life.

Desire: Do you have the desire to lose weight? To jump higher? To be faster? To be stronger? To feel more confident in your own skin? To feel more energized and able to maximize your performance in everything you do?
Discipline: Can you sacrifice those late night meals or drinking binges? Can you keep your workout schedule? Can you choose a healthier alternative meal when looking down at a menu during lunch or dinner?
Dedication: One can only fail when they give up. Hard work ALWAYS pays off. If you keep at it, whether it takes 6 months or a year, the dedicated will see results.

Nike says to Just Do It.
I say, Just Keep Doing It.
(that's what she said.)

[check out this website if you want to know what it's like to take yourself to the NEXT level.]